FBI Probe

Well, I don’t usually do this, but I know that all three of my readers would like to know more about FBI, so I took the hit and actually conversed with the fellow at length today after he asked to sign-in again for an Internet PC. In between labored breaths, he commented on a technical book that I was reading, and I took the opportunity to find out a bit about him.

FBI isn’t homeless, but he is out of work on Workman’s Comp. He’s a truck driver by trade, but it seems he’s having this little sleep disorder problem where he dozes off at red lights and such… You see, this is why I rarely look under the hood. Irregulars can be, and usually are, even stranger than they appear on the surface once you begin probing.

For the entire duration of FBI’s Internet session, every patron in the Library was subjected to his exposed 300lb. butt crack as he typed away (and breathed)… At least he wasn’t wearing that T-Shirt again.

~ by Woeful on September 12, 2007.

8 Responses to “FBI Probe”

  1. oops

  2. … Quite a sight.

  3. Who hasn’t suffered from a little narcolepsy every now and again?


    I’m sorry. Did you say something?

  4. Oh man… the things we subject ourselves to. lol

  5. I can’t think of any good “cracks” to make… But, I do make your fourth reader. 🙂 Y’all will probably think I’m weird, but I truly miss working with the public when I read your anecdotes! I’ve even been looking for a part-time job opening at the local library! 🙂

  6. Dozes off at red lights. I’ll take butt crack exposure over getting run over by a truck any day. Which one of the two is deadlier – I guess there’s no way to know.

  7. when I see some guy at the intersection sitting on a milk crate, his crack grinning at the cars waiting for the light to change, I wonder how much money he’d make if he wore a shirt that said, “toss your spare change into my crack.”

  8. I don’t think you’re weird at all lemurtx. I really enjoy being a librarian. The things and people that I happen to blog about (although common), aren’t the only “things,” and people I deal with on a daily basis. We have some great regular patrons, and students who come in who are a pleasure to assist. I love my job!

    Emon, FBI told me his trucking company wants him back and doesn’t care that he falls asleep anywhere, and any time – Frightening. In fact, FBI has passed out on more than one occasion while simply surfing the Internet @ the Library.

    Welcome by effing! LOL… I bet that would elicit many an attempt. People love a challenge. 🙂

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