I’ve Got Nothin’

I’ve been in technology hell as of late at the office, so unfortunately, I have no good library stories to tell. I do, however, have an interesting tale about a last minute liquor run I recently made. I was in a rush to buy booze before closing time, so I opted for the closest purveyor of alcoholic beverages. This unfortunate little hovel is really only for true emergencies, and this qualified as I needed liquor ASAP for a Independence Day bash hosted by my best friend.

I managed to get to the store at about 10 ’til closing. As I approached, I noticed a large yet hastily written sign in the window that read, “Store for Sale.” When I arrived at the door I noticed another smaller sign. This one read:

Notice: Suspension of Liquor License…

Great! There was no way that I was going to be able to make it to the second nearest place in time. So I turned to leave, looked up, and noticed a set of pasty white legs sticking out from the grass across the street beside a fireplug. Probably some unconscious vagrant. Just then a police officer drove by, but in the wrong direction to actually see the sad sight before me. Now I needed to call the cops. Chances are it was just some drunk, but what if this person was left for dead? Perfect!! Just what I want to be doing, calling the police during my personal time. I do enough of this while I’m @ the Library.

I make the call, give the dispatcher the address and a description of the scene… And wish that I never left my condo.

~ by Woeful on July 5, 2007.

8 Responses to “I’ve Got Nothin’”

  1. I’m guessing you’ll be checking the local news a little more frequently?

  2. Poor Woeful. You were robbed.

  3. Emon: I haven’t heard anything so it was probably just a drunk.
    Max: Yeah, I really didn’t want to go out in the first place, but I thought, “it’s just around the corner.” I came back home annoyed that I had to call the cops, and without the alcohol I set out to get… Sigh.

  4. hey homes ping me off blog and tell me what store it was

  5. I don’t even know the name of it, I only ever resorted to going there once before. Inside, there was the clerk, and an old guy with a cane sitting along side the counter. I bought a bottle of wine from their vast selection of about six kinds.

  6. I wonder what they did to deserve losing their license. Maybe they gave vagrants free booze.

  7. Oh my! I don’t even know what I’d do in your situation. I’ve never had to call the cops before, just the thought of it scares me!

  8. SG: I’m sure they tried to sell to a minor.
    Cara: I call the police far too often to even be phased anymore.

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